RYA Stage 3 or above? Then the KGSC Cadet Club is for you!

The KGSC Cadet Club is the Junior and Youth group of KGSC, run mainly by parents and guardians, offering development, coaching, and racing for juniors and youth aged 8 to 18 years. 

Cadet Club takes place on Saturday mornings from 10am – 1pm throughout the year. Additional activities will be added to the programme as they are announced, including social events.

Cadet Club sessions focus on fun activities, using games with aims to grow and enhance six key character attributes: Creativity, Confidence, Teamwork, Communication, Determination, and Independence.

We encourage both dinghy sailing and windsurfing.

Interested in joining the KGSC Cadet Club? Us the form below.

KGSC Cadet Club 2022- Race Training